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{Surf}/서핑 영상

BADA - 2016 발리 영상 멋져요~

by 서녕님 2016. 6. 30.

BADA from 38productions on Vimeo.

BADA(the Korean word for ocean) is a short, filmed in Bali in the summer of 2016.
It shows five surfergirls' journeying together to enjoy the surf and overall beauty of Bali. 
Enjoy! And if you like it, feel free to share.

2016년 여름, 다섯 명의 한국인 서퍼가 발리를 여행하며 서핑을 즐기는 모습을 담았습니다.
즐겁게 감상하시고 자유롭게 공유해주시기 바랍니다.

Sponsored by PIC & YVONNEB
PIC website: boudpic.com/
YVONNEB(이본느비) website: yvonnebkorea.com/

Surfers: EunKyung Jeon, Sunshine Shin, Hyojin Kim, Borabora Hwang, Zita Hwang

Produced by 38 Productions
38 Productions website: 38productions.com/
